Let’s Get Social On Social Media
Date & Time
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
We know, it’s 2023, and you should be marketing and promoting your business on social media. But over the years, you might not have moved your pages along as well as you wanted, or you want to get more engagement and organic reach out of the page. If so, this class is for you! Today’s shoppers mix their social media and shopping, often without even realizing that’s what they’re doing. Successful retailers have discovered how engaging social media connects these shoppers to your business without them ever having to leave the comfort of their sofa! Learn how to increase your social media engagement with a social strategy, knowing your audience, and creating content that is both helpful to the audience and addresses what they are looking for. Plus, learn how to tell your story in the best way possible for each of the most popular platforms and how different social media platforms can be powerful tools in your marketing arsenal! Doug Marsh, Content Director at NMG Peggy Wainscott, Account Manager at Site on Time
Location Name
Grapevine 3-4
Session Type