Harnessing the Power of Purpose
Date & Time
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Today, the idea of a personal purpose at work – a “why” that guides our efforts and dreams – is coming into focus for many of the highest performing organizations in business. When organizations provide clarity of purpose, their team members find greater meaning in their work. This triggers higher motivation, efficiency, and ability to lead. As more and more companies have gained awareness of this powerful dynamic, they’ve implemented training and coaching programs that invite their managers to be thoughtful about their purpose. They’ve recognized that to be authentic leaders, managers, and team members they must be able to identify their own purpose. In this session with culture expert Kris Kuester, you’ll learn how to leverage this powerful concept of purpose discovery in your company. Kris will arm you with the tools needed to identify, clarify and launch your team into a world driven by powerful purpose that will deliver results for your business at the highest level! Kris Kuester, Director of People Development and Learning at NMG
Location Name
Grapevine 3-4
Session Type