Technology 101: Data Best Practices to Improve Business
Date & Time
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Our business day is so full that we often don’t have time to think about basic things we can do to improve our technology – things that will help drive our business, improve the performance of our systems, and increase the security of our business and customer information. This course is designed to give you some simple steps you can take to help you make those improvements with little effort and resources. We will also address various resources available at NMG that can take you to that next level. Yvonne Scott, Senior Technical Project Manager at NMG Phoebe Cunningham, Senior Technical Project Manager at NMG Jeff Dezso, Chief Technology Officer at RWS Barrett Cervenka, Director Platform Development at NMG
Location Name
Grapevine B
Session Type