Social Media for Beginners
Date & Time
Monday, March 27, 2023, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
If there's one thing we can count on, it is that social media is ALWAYS changing, and it seems there is a new platform to learn every year. It can feel overwhelming! If this has kept you from ever using social media as a marketing channel or it caused you to stop, Social Media for Beginners is for you! Come join Nationwide's Doug Marsh and Peggy Wainscott as they break down the confusion of the different social media channels for 2023. From Facebook and Instagram to TikTok and Snapchat, they will highlight how specific social media platforms perform differently and which would be best for our industry. Let us walk you through the top social media platforms in 2023 and help you get started on getting social. Doug Marsh, Content Director at NMG Peggy Wainscott, Account Manager at Site on Time
Location Name
Grapevine 1-2
Session Type