10 Skills of a Great Leader
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Everyone can learn to lead, and by mastering these 10 skills you will develop a strong base that will serve you well throughout your career. “Leadership is not a position or title it is an action and example” -Anonymous There are many ways to define a great leader and many skills to master should someone wish to become on. It’s true to say that some people are natural leaders, but it is also true that leadership can be learned. Here are ten core skills that all leaders should add to their toolbox if they wish to succeed as a leader. Join leadership expert Kris Kuester if have led for years or if you desire to be a leader someday to learn more about these must have leadership skills. Kris Kuester, Director of People Development and Learning at NMG
Location Name
Grapevine 3-4
Session Type