A new take on education will make its debut in Vegas. Beyond the traditional classroom-style sessions that will take place during the Nationwide Learning Academy program prior to the Expo days, education will also extend onto the showroom floor in the NLA theater.

More Focused Courses: The different learning tracks (ie. HR, website management, digital marketing, etc) will bring two courses to PrimeTime.  The first course will be focused on Members who “wear multiple hats”, these courses will provide high-level information on specific topics.  The second course will be a deeper dive into the specific topic, focusing on more of the “how”.  The focus audience for these courses will be the person who just manages that aspect of the business.

Training on the Floor:  In Las Vegas there will be no reason to leave the floor because we are bringing the training room to you.  Once the show floor opens, we will be offering our NLA courses in a training room constructed on the floor.  We want to make sure these learning opportunities are front and center for you.